Announcement rates for electricity and drinking water as of January 1st 2023

Kralendijk, December 21st, 2022, – Water- en Energiebedrijf Bonaire N.V. (WEB) announces that the rates applicable from January 1, 2023 have been determined and published.


Every year, the rates that the producer is allowed to charge to WEB and the rates that WEB is allowed to charge to customers are determined and announced by ACM. On December 15th, 2022, ACM set these cost-covering rates that WEB may charge as of January 1, 2023 (*).


To keep the rates affordable, WEB can apply for subsidies for each rate year. Subsequently, taking these subsidies into account, the rates for all customers were determined.


The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) will make additional subsidies available for 2023 with which the fixed electricity usage rate can be reduced to zero and a discount can be granted on the variable electricity usage rate. This discount is 50% of the excess above USD 0.38 per kWh. The usual subsidy is determined by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W), so that the fixed consumption rate for drinking water for the most common connection and the rate for delivery by water truck can be set at a relatively low level.


The relevant changes for the rates are as follows:


Periodic electricity rates

The flat usage rate is set at USD 0.00 per month.


A discount of USD 0.0350 per kWh – through a subsidy from the Public Entity Bonaire – is applied to the variable usage rate of USD 0.4235 per kWh as of 1 July 2022 of USD 0.4235 per kWh for the months of November and December, so that on balance the rate is now USD 0.3903 per kWh. This rate has been set by ACM as of January 1, 2023 at USD 0.4340 per kWh, which increase is mainly caused by rising fuel costs for the production of electricity. With the additional subsidy from EZK, a discount of USD 0.0270 per kWh ((USD 0.4340 – USD 0.38) * 50%) then applies, so that on balance the rate as of 1 January 2023 is USD 0.4070 per kWh. For a customer this means an increase of USD 0.0167 per kWh.


Periodic drinking water rates

The fixed usage rate for the most common (small) connection will be increased from USD 7.30 per month to USD 7.94 per month.


The variable usage rate is increased from USD 3,735 per m3 to USD 3,908 per m3.


For customers with delivery via the water truck, the rate will be increased from USD 4,503 per m3 to USD 4,743 per m3.


A lot of electricity is needed to produce drinking water. The increase in the variable consumption rate for drinking water is lower than the increased fuel costs for the production of drinking water. This is possible due to the more efficient production of drinking water with the new drinking water facility.



The new periodic rates for electricity and drinking water will be applied to invoices from the consumption period with a start date in January 2023. For customers based on Pagabon and the water truck, the new rates will be immediately visible as of January 1st 2023.


(*) As of July 1st, 2023 – depending on developments in fuel costs – the variable usage rate for electricity and the rate for Pagabon will be re-established.


One-off connection rates for electricity and drinking water


The one-off connection rates, for small connections up to and including 25 meters, are set at USD 1,717.56 for electricity and USD 1,169.38 for drinking water. This is an increase of 8.8% compared to 2022.


The complete electricity and drinking water rate sheet applicable as of January 1st, 2023 can be found at

Electricity rates January 1st, 2023
Drinking water rates January 1st, 2023