Your invoice
Monthly you will receive an invoice for water and/or electricity. What information does the invoice include? Download here Invoice Explanation (pdf).
Pay online!
Via online banking you can pay 24/7. Safe and from your own home. You do not need to come to our office, you do not need to wait in line. That is also important in relation to COVID-19: you prevent physical contact. Attend your WEB-businesses as far as possible online. In this way, together we keep it safe!
Please note!:
- Are you making use of online payment of MCB? Then use the most recent template on the payment page for WEB. See here the MCB instruction video for online banking!
- You can only pay one invoice at the time. Your customer number is your reference for payment.
- A combined payment of water and electricity is not possible.
- With online banking you can realize a maximum of 10 transactions per workday.
- Pay on time! Ask the bank the processing time of a payment order.
- Make sure that you have enough balance on your bank account. If there is insufficient balance the bank cannot deliver your order again to WEB.
Other payment method
There are also other possibilities to pay your invoice: standing order at the bank; and payment at the cashier at our offices in Kralendijk and Rincon. Click here for the opening hours.
Standing order
Standing order is possible if you bank at MCB or Banco di Caribe. For an authorization for standing order you must fill in the Direct Debit Mandate form (pdf). This is possible at the WEB head office. You can also download, print and fill in the form yourself, and drop it off at our office.
Please note!:
- Do not forget to mention the invoice number for water and/or electricity separately. The invoice number is the reference for your payment.
- Make sure that you have enough balance on your bank account. Otherwise your invoice will not be debited. Then you will risk payment arrears.
Pay at the cashier
Would you like to pay your invoice in person? That is possible on workdays at our cashiers. Click here for the opening hours. Preferably pay by debit card, otherwise by cash. It is not possible to pay by credit card
Collection policy
WEB assumes that you will pay your invoice on time. Small payment arrears will soon become large ones. You take the risk to be disconnected. Thus, it is important to pay on time.
Don’t forget, pay on time!
Before WEB proceeds to disconnection, there are the following steps and measures:
- Monthly you will receive an invoice for the use of water and electricity. Did you not receive an invoice? Then immediately contact us by phone of info@webbonaire !
- In case we did not receive the payment after the expiry date, we send a reminder.
- If you have not paid the amount of the reminder after the expiry date, WEB will proceed to disconnection.
Please note!
Do you pay 1 day before expiry date per bank? Then on the same day before 15:00 pm you will have to show the proof of payment at our office. A payment per bank often has a processing time of 2 workdays. Consequently, you will still risk to be disconnected.
If your payment has not been received or has been received too late, WEB proceeds to disconnection. For this we charge administration costs and call-out fees.
For reconnection you first should have paid for: the outstanding invoices, the costs for disconnection and the costs for reconnection (USD 40.00).
WEB performs reconnections after 15:00 pm and no later than 16:30 pm.
Opening hours Cashier WEB head office, Kaya Gresia 6:
07:45 – 11:45 am
13:00 – 15:00 pm
On the first and last week of the month, the cashiers are also open during the afternoon.
Opening hours Cashier WEB Rincon, Kaya Rincon 73
On the first and last week of the month on workdays 08:45 – 11:45 am and 13:00 – 15:00 pm.
WEB gladly gives tips on saving water and electricity. In our Knowledge base you will find handy tips for this.
The tips are also included in the folder Saving (pdf), you can download it here or pick it up at our office.
Also consider the possibility to start using Pagabon. This is the prepaid system of WEB for electricity. With this you will have more control over your electricity consumption.