WEB and CGB update on January 9th, 2024 black out

Kralendijk – January 10th, 2024 – Water- en Energiebedrijf Bonaire (WEB) wants to update the Bonaire community and stakeholders regarding recent power interruptions. On January 9th, we experienced a black-out due to technical issues at the power plant of Contour Global (CGB) at Karpata, which is being investigated. Particularly, on January 9th, at 12.38 p.m., an unexpected power outage […]

Announcement of electricity and drinking water rates effective January 1st , 2024

Kralendijk, 22 December 2023, – Water en Energiebedrijf Bonaire N.V. (WEB) announces that the rates effective from January 1, 2024, have been established and published. Every year, the rates that the producer may charge WEB and the rates that WEB may charge consumers are determined and announced by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets […]

Successful Collaborative Utility Conference Bonaire (CUCB)

Kralendijk, December 4th 2023 – The first-ever Collaborative Utility Conference Bonaire (CUCB), organized by Water- en Energiebedrijf Bonaire (WEB), concluded with a resounding success at the Delfins Beach Resort – Conference Centre. Held on November 28 and 29, this landmark event united no less than 75 utility experts, solution providers, and regulatory bodies from Bonaire, […]

Power outage due to reduced production capacity

Kralendijk- October 31th, 2023 – In the late afternoon hours of October 30th, there was a power outage in some neighborhoods in Bonaire. This was due to scarcity of production capacity at the power production facility at Karpata.   Due to the fallout of production capacity at the CGB facility, Water -en Energiebedrijf Bonaire (WEB) […]


Kralendijk – September 4th, 2023- Water – en Energiebedrijf Bonaire (WEB) has achieved a significant milestone in the construction project for its new headquarters at Kaminda Djabou.   Reaching such a milestone was a cause for celebration for WEB management and staff last Friday. Breaking with the local tradition the WEB CFO Mrs. Joanne Balentien […]


Kralendijk, July 12th, 2023 – Digital asset inventory is instrumental for WEB’s grid modernization plans. In the first week of July until the end of October 2023, Water – en Energiebedrijf Bonaire (WEB) together with team members of VERICO / eSmart Systems will be taking the inventory of all WEB’s infrastructure on the island of […]

Reduction electricity rates during second half of 2023

Kralendijk, June 22nd 2023 – The variable electricity rates will be reduced by USD 0.0554 per kWh as of July 1, 2023. This is the result of reduced fuel costs for electricity production. This reduction applies to the variable usage rate and to the rate for Pagabon. The fuel costs that Contour Global Bonaire (CGB) […]

Unprecedented high temperatures for this time of year

Kralendijk 6. 6. 2023, – The extremely high temperatures experienced very early in the year this year are driving increased demand for both water and electricity. They also create a number of problems in business operations. At the moment, the batteries and partly wind production capacity are also out of operation because installations are being […]